When two do the same thing, it’s not always the same. In the last issue of LCGC North America, Ronald Majors summarized his highlights of HPLC 2010. In my HPLC 2010 flashbacks I focused exclusively on oral presentations I have attended during the meeting. Ronald Majors summarized whole symposium in a detailed and comprehensive way, including the comparison of attendance this year vs. last year, percentage distribution of individual topics, as well as plenary lectures, major applications and usage of various detection techniques.
I am not going to repeat what was written. You can read Ronald Majors’s paper yourself (and maybe compare it with my HPLC 2010 flashbacks). Majority of the meeting focused on HPLC (33% of all papers). In the group of HPLC presentations, 25% described news in the field of monolithic stationary phases (organic polymers vs. silica-based monoliths 2:1), 17% covered superficially porous particles (or shell particles, poroshell, fused-core particles), and 16% papers presented HILIC as a separation technique for polar compounds.
So, if you want to know what is going on in liquid chromatography separations, read HPLC 2010 highlights.
The Urbans on HPLC 2010
A little bit of shameless self-promotion. I am sorry about that ;-)
Ronald Majors mentioned recent progress in the field of monolithic stationary phases. He describes both organic polymer monoliths and silica-based inorganic materials. In group of Frantisek Svec, we are preparing polymer monoliths suitable for separation of small molecules. To do that, we use postpolymerization hypercrosslinking modification to synthesize monolithic phase with small pores on the surface of monolithic skeleton. The paper describing our attempts is submitted. Once published, I will let you know for sure ;-)

Last but not least.
I already said it in my HPLC 2010 flashbacks, but now when it is published in LCGC it’s officialeven more: my wife Iva won a first prize poster for a work focusing on “Monolithic Polymer Layers for Separation of Peptides and Oligonucleotides Using Pressurized Planar Electrophoresis and Electrochromatography“. The work has been done in cooperation with University of Indiana, Purdue and authors recently published Letter in Analytical Chemsitry.
I am proud of her.
End of self-promotion, thanks for your patience ;-)